canvas painting

For people who have a strict sense of decoration, it is essential that everything is always in the right place. To hang a painting, for example, the location of the latter cannot be chosen at random. We give you some tips. So how do you properly place a canvas painting?

Place your canvas painting at eye level

If there’s one mistake most individuals make, it’s this one. They place the paintings too high so that one is obliged to raise the head to contemplate them. To properly place a painting , it is best to put it at eye level.

Thus, it immediately imposes itself on the eyes. Since not everyone is the same size, one might wonder how to achieve this. It’s simple. There is a standard norm which consists in counting 1.52 m starting from the ground in the middle of the canvas. This is the technique used by art galleries.

well place canvas painting

Indoors, your painting will not always be placed on the central wall. Otherwise, all art-loving individuals would have a similar decoration. You can change it up a bit by placing the geek paintings between 2 windows if the configuration of the room lends itself to it.

It would also be interesting to place the work between two doors. Attention, it is important that the space is available so that the canvas adheres properly to the wall. If not, it would look more like an extra object and hit the mark overall.

Position your painting above a piece of furniture

Do your first name paintings have to be positioned in the living room? One of the best places you could set aside for them is the space above the sofa. Each guest will therefore have the opportunity to see the canvas before sitting down. And if it is rather in the bedroom that your customizable paintings will be placed, then the top of the bed will be perfect. Imagine being able to contemplate every day while getting dressed, a life-size canvas painting representing your own person. It would most certainly increase your self-esteem and add value to the work.

What layout for multiple tables?

Do you have several paintings of cars and several pop art paintings to display in your interior? Two options are available to you. You can arrange them in the classic way, that is to say simply online.

If you have a little eccentric side, you can also place them jumbled up on the same wall. The error here is to classify them by theme. This would make your decor look way too gloomy . Just consider the size and shape of the webs.

Make a simulation if necessary

If you are more into perfection than approximation, do not hesitate to first do a simulation. Cut paper into the shape and size of your car paintings . Then stick them to the wall with tape to see the result. Change the location of each painting as many times as necessary until you find the best pattern for you.

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